Wednesday, February 28, 2018

A Picture a Day. February

If it were not for the birthdays of some people I love, February would be, by far, my least favorite month of the year. Lots of painful things happened in my life in February. It's weird: the shortest month seemed to have had the most impact sometimes ... I always let out a long sigh of relief when it's over ... 

This February was an odd one. For the most part, it felt more like a late April than February. The weather felt like maybe we didn't move to North Carolina, after all, but more like South Florida, or somewhere tropical even. 

We're continuing to explore our surroundings, our neighborhood, the cities around us, the rest of the state. We took our first painting class together and we celebrated a whole month of heart health and rare disease awareness ... As always, February is anything but boring. 

Here is my favorite picture taken this month. 

Click it to start seeing the rest of the February shots. Click "next" after each shot to see February 1st through the 28th. 

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