Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I miss my dad

… I miss him, when I have to put shelves up and I am spending 3 hours in the hardware store to decide what kind of anchors and screws I need for my shelves! I miss him when I need to dig in my garden, and he can do it so effortlessly, while I lay in bed with muscle cramps for a week after I do it…
I miss him when I come home from work and I eat junk food, when I know, if he were here, he would cook me a 3 course gourmet meal every single day of the week, AND on a budget, too! I miss him when I have to call the phone people, and the gas, and the tv people, and the bank for my change of address and for troubleshooting … He loves doing the legwork, and the errands every single day, not with patience, but with promptness! And a LOT of energy; energy that I don’t have right now!
Most of all, I miss him when he puts things into perspective for me: “ this is what you left behind, he would say, this is what’s ahead, and this is what you need to be proud of, and this is what you need to still work at”. Oh, yeah, dad is a “no bullshit” kind of guy, so he will keep me straight on things I need to work at. No matter how deep his love, he always acknowledges I am not perfect. To me, that is true love!
And I surely miss him when I am trying for 5 hours to mount my shelves and drill my holes into the wall 100 times till the wall looks like it’s been at war, and shot at; and the shelves are still moving…:-)
And I hate life, when I miss dad! I really do! I fall asleep sighing and praying for his health and many, many happy years, so next time when I move, he can be here, and … not missed at all!


TonyaB122 said...

Yes, I agree, a dad has a way of touching his daughter's life. I can see my dad's strong hands working to put something together with complete efficiency. The scars tell the story of years of hard work. Why? So his children could have the opportunity he didn't.

TonyaB122 said...

Yes, I agree, a dad has a way of touching his daughter's life. I can see my dad's strong hands working to put something together with complete efficiency. The scars tell the story of years of hard work. Why? So his children could have the opportunity he didn't.