February 11 of this year, they split my chest bone in two with a saw.
They then found my heart underneath and stopped it, right after
hooking me up to this machine which took over the job of my heart and
my lungs. They then cut my heart open. Then, they froze me to trick
my brain into not needing too much oxygen, and then, they cut off my
ascending aorta right out of my chest. After 12 hours of more work on
and around my heart, they made my heart beat again. After 12 hours, I
came back amongst the living, with a beating heart. I was dead,
really. And then, I came to life. To say I am thankful for this would
be the grossest understatement. But I am.
is Thanksgiving . It seems like a great day to pause and write down
just how grateful I am for this crazy roller coaster year.
after February 11, each breath of air, each step, each warm shower,
each bite of savory food, each soft paw of a kitty that I got to
touch, each amazing sunset and sunrise, each hug of a loved one has
been nothing short of amazing and each a bonus. It's like Christmas
morning about 200 times a day, every day. I am thankful for that.
am thankful for medicine and the progress we have made there to keep
people like me alive. I am thankful for my amazing surgeon who knew
how to kill me gently and bring me back to life, in more or less one
functional piece. I am grateful for God for giving me the strength to
take one day at a time and build myself back up from physical ruin.
am grateful for my mom, who, in the midst of untreated COPD fits
traveled 5000 miles to cook a pot of soup for me. I am grateful for
my sister who took time off from work to wait for hour by hour
updates about my surgery. She then came down to make sure “I move
the same way she remembered”, once I was a bit better. Her
thoughtfulness was healing. I am grateful for my friend, H., who
stopped in the middle of her July 4th vacation to come and
see me, to make sure I am OK. I am grateful to my mother-in-law who rallied up a group of strangers to me to form a prayer group. They prayed every week for my health. They still do. The benevolence of people humbles me.
I am grateful for my customers, co-workers and friends who wrote, watched the emails closely to get updates on me, and sent cards and gifts. With each one, I felt a little bit less alone; a little bit more encouraged.
I am grateful for my customers, co-workers and friends who wrote, watched the emails closely to get updates on me, and sent cards and gifts. With each one, I felt a little bit less alone; a little bit more encouraged.
am grateful for my nephews, and their facetime sessions. With each
one, they give me a reason to live and push on. My family has been my
rock. Without them cheering me on and listening to my crazy stories,
I would have been a depressed puddle of mess.
am grateful that my company allowed me to move into a job I have
dreamed of all my life (I finally have “writer” in my job title),
at a time when I needed it the most.
am grateful for this … whatever it is … that keeps me going, one
foot in front of the other every day. This drive, or lust, or
meddlesomeness that drove me to see new and interesting things this
year, even when I was ground bound: like Hemingway's last home town
of Ketchum, ID, and two glorious National Parks that left me in awe,
Canyonlands and Mesa Verde.
worry and tough days, I have learned to live (I am still learning)
with my newly rewired heart, which is still taking its sweet time to
find a rhythm inside of my newly put together chest. I am grateful I
am sitting here, writing this, more than anything in the world. I am
grateful for the promise of tomorrow, but more than that, I am
grateful for the present. Every second of every day, every breath is
a gift. All wrapped up in the most beautiful package you have seen.
Small little gifts, seconds are.
more than for anything else in the world, more than for my own life,
really, I am grateful for my husband. This man does not know the word
“no” when it comes to me. He is the most loyal and loving and
giving and selfless human being I have met. He washed me, fed me,
massaged my numb arm, religiously, every night for nine months
straight now, and allows me to lean on him, unconditionally, every
day. He is my peaceful shore, where I rest when life gets too crazy,
and life has won the crazy record this year, for damn sure. There are
no words, really, to express the love, and breathless thankfulness I
owe him, every day.
have a saying in Romanian: “Sanatate. Ca-i mai buna decat toate.”
It means “Health. Because it's better than everything else.” This
should be the slogan of this past year. And for the fact that I have
been given sickness to learn from and health to appreciate life, I am