Saturday, May 05, 2012

Life Happens!

And so it does! It doesn’t ask us if we’re ready for it, nor if we’re ready to move on. It just does. Life, that is. It happens!

And Lennon was right: while we’re busy making plans of whatever nature they might be (existential to purely mundane), life swishes by. And one day, we will wake up with a pile of memories, asking ourselves: “Good God, where were we?!” And there we were: paying bills, working, being stuck in the commute traffic twice a day, updating the Facebook status on the phone, in between red lights,  peeking at the Google News feed  – every day, yelling at our spouse, buying groceries, feeding cats, harvesting tomatoes … and it just went by … Like a dream. And whether we will like it or not – this would be our life.

Surely, life is so much more than these loops of  commonplaces strung together, but when do we get the time to weave anything else more “uplifting” in it?!

Lately, I have felt very much this way. I have felt very much in touch with the ordinary, day-to-day running around, but not very much in touch with the deeper (or higher) me. Sure, a curly, dimpled kid still makes me chuckle, I still notice my cats’ antics and I smile, I somehow find 5 minutes (literally!) of time before I snore my night away to read a passage in a book I happen to grab from the new shelves…But there are so many other things I want to do that I simply have no time or energy for!

No more in-depth, avid, breathless reading. No more crafts. No more writing – at least not as often. No more cooking just for pleasure. No more yoga. No more friends get-togethers. No more friends.

I used to have a life, I tell myself . Now, I have a routine. Makes me mad sometimes. But today, these observations make me regroup and align some priorities! Just wanted to stop, breathe and make a note of it!

I have been so wrapped up in nothingness lately, I even missed this beautiful iris coming out of dirt, this spring! It took my breath away this afternoon, when I was watering my new bushes and it peeked its purple head from around the corner of the house. It stopped me in my tracks. And thus I knew: I must make time!

And so, with the birth of this elegant, beautiful flower,  the late spring begins, and hopefully, my (full) life re-starts … 

 May 2012

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