tell this story all the time, of how I remember my sister's birthday,
on a hot August day when I was 3 years old and a little bit. And I do
– as long as I have some remembrance in my brain, I will always see
that day, somewhat fuzzy, but the sound of that news will be clear.
been 39 years since that day and my baby sister is getting ready to
enter her last year of the third decade of her life. A life that's
been fun, and hard, and challenging, and interesting, sad, and
incredibly funny, lonely at times, and not so lonely for the most
part, and all in all, a life that's been worth it all! This much time
passing just about knocks the breath right out of my chest! 39 years!
have more memories with my sister than I have with anyone else I have
ever met, I believe. Even when we're apart, we pick each other's
brain – maybe more now that we're adults and respectful of each
other than when we were little and picking on each other all the
have learned so much from her. First off, I learned how to stop being
the spoiled brat only child I was when she came along, and how to
start sharing everything with her. She taught me that we're not alone
in the world. We have a soul mate. And she has been mine. Not in the
“exact match” kind of soul mate, but more in the “ying-and-yang”
sense of the word. She is the light of my darkness, and I am hers.
a typical second baby, she was always the competitive one. I learned
patience to yield to her and teach her things. I taught her how to
read and write, and later on, she taught me music and art. She has
taught me love and warmth all my life, and goodness.
is an odd mix of tender and bitey, small and powerful, meek and
don't-f*-with-me-people!. Above all, she has the most
beautiful, most pure smile, and the most clear twinkle in the eye.
makes me melt only by thinking of her.
been through everything together and through it all, I always know
she's got my back. She's raising her own family now, but I still feel
like she and I share a heart just as much as when we were kids and
shared a bed. Our relationship will always be strong and unique, no
matter the rest of our liaisons in life. There is this bond, this
sacred understanding, this blood that runs through our veins and
connects our every thought that will always be there, no matter how
many thousands of miles or people are between us.
I remember everything: how we fought, how we laughed, how we made
pranks together. I remember climbing mountains, tanning at the beach
(she never burned, unlike me), eating berries till our tongues would
turn black, fishing for trout with our bare hands. I remember her
tom-boyish years when she was hung by her leg in a rusty nail on a
tall fence. I remember fighting for boyfriends, and crying ourselves
to sleep with a sigh. The following morning, we were sisters again.
remember when she went to the ER as a small kid, with an infected
hand, full of puss, and she spent days hooked up to IV's and I could
not go visit her. Broke my heart! I remember dancing in clubs on the
beach when I was in college and falling asleep in each other's arms,
in the sand till the first rays of sun would sneak under our eyelids
and wake us up.
remember when she went to France the first time in middle school,
when I thought she would never come back home. I remember how her
world fell apart when I moved to the States and I thought I'd never
see her again.
remember her wedding. Her first pregnancy, every heart beat of it,
every emotion, every notebook she filled with knowledge about “what
to expect when you're expecting.” Then, the immense love she had to
give to this small baby. I remember my wedding. Her second baby. I
remember all four of us, with mom and dad, smiling for pictures and
knowing that those moments were precious as they would be rare.
wish you the best in life to come, sis, and more bright days than
not, more sunny summers than not, more health, more love, and more
abundance than ever before. As you approach your 40th year
of life, I thank God that you exist and I thank you for giving us
your all. May the next year be your best one yet, and may you forever
smile and keep us guessing …
I miss you more!
I miss you more!