Monday, May 08, 2006

I Have Issues! - a MySpace Blog

I've always worn my heart on the sleeve, as they say around here... I always thought keeping secrets and especially lying is SUCH a waste of time ... They always told me I won't live long, too, so I have always been paranoid that I'd go before the world realized how I truly am! I think to this day that not seeing the true me is so wrong, and such a sin, on my part, if I don't reveal the true me... So, here are some things off the top of my head that would describe me... (the moral is at the end, so please read on):

I love travels and nothing moves me more than being in a place that is new, and unfamiliar; I soak up the new-ness of a new place through my pores, and nose, and eyes, and ears; it's what gives me the rush; the open road, the planes taking off, the people-watching in the airports; I love falling asleep with Mr. Fero purring in my ear, and Gypsy kneading my chest, while Li'l Kitty warms up my feet; I love a warm stinky breath of a kitten or a puppy in my face; I love popcorn and fries, and those are just two reasons why I'd never be on a successful diet; I love food, in general, and mostly carbs, but I'd eat anything from chicken feet to sushi; books are my friends on a rainy afternoon, or a sunny morning at the beach, or a midnight any time of the year, in an airplane, or on a train, at work on my lunch break, in my car while waiting for the friend to get there, in my car, in the drive through wash... Books are where my money goes ...; I will tell you if you have toilet paper sticking out of your pants, and if you have ketchup on your chin; I will tell you if your dress makes you look fat, or your new hairdo looks like shit; I will ask you about your past because I am nosey; I love scars, because they always, with no exception, tell a story; I don't like tattoos if they DON'T tell a story; a pretty little rose because you wanted a tattoo but didn't know what to get and you didn't want it too big is cheesy! - sorry! I love rain when it comes once a season! Draught?!? Please, people, this is America, we won't ever die of starvation OR thirst!!!; I love and live for my family; they always come first; I have little patience for movies; unless I can stop, and fast forward, they usually suck to me! (with a handful of exceptions); I like rules, but I love exceptions; I like laughter and to make people smile; I love smiles, not necessarily laughters, since they can be fake ... I like to help people and especially those that are never paid attention to (like old people); I cook my own foods (including snacks), clean my own house, paint my own walls, frame my art myself, do my own nails, adjust my clothes (nothing ever fits me in this country!), hand wash my dishes, although I have a dishwasher; I never buy from E-bay because I want instant gratification: can't wait for the stupid auction to close!!!; I love adoption, and believe strongly in over-population; I love sex, but I can't see it just as an act; if I want to burn calories, I'll go for a walk instead!; I love the mountains for the mystery and the beach for the peacefulness; I hate lying with a passion. mainly because I am not stupid, and I hate when people assume that I am; I love and respect tolerance when I find it, but just like happiness, it's a nice utopia! It will forever be missing in the world, in its pure and absolute form! I myself cannot be tolerant towards ignorance, and others' jumping to conclusions, and conscious and stubborn close-mindedness; I also see myself as a tolerant with strong opinions; like I said: complete and total tolerance will forever be unattained in this world; just like the existence of clean air ... That's the gist of it ...

So, for those of you who lately have been telling me that I "have issues" and I "am a basket case", and "I am at a weird place in my life" , thank you... I suppose I am all that... And I also suppose it takes one to know one, too...Although coming from some of you, it's insulting ... I also kindly invite you to read some Freud, and see how we all are in fact mental patients, in various ways... I promise reading won't kill ya'! :-) And "who is Freud anyways, to be such a trusted source?!" - well, let's just say he has made more history than you, so ... enjoy! Thank you for thinking "I have issues", but please read this, when you do have the curiosity to find out just who I "really" am...

And, yes, I do realize that in my previous blog I said the same about others, but that was not my point there: that blog was about "false advertising"; my point there was that people present a fake image of themselves on this site, when in fact I find out (after getting to know them a bit) that they are very different than their own description of themselves...

And, to close, this is my motto in life, if you're interested (reminds me of my own dad, too, and his advice to me, when I was very little): from Margo Kaufman:

"I once complained to my father that I didn't seem to be able to do things the same way other people did. Dad's advice? 'Margo, don't be a sheep. People hate sheep. They eat sheep'."

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